This site is intended for the Slovene students taking part in the Comenius project. Here you can read about your tasks, invitations to meetings and other news. Some messages will be published in Slovene to make sure there will be no misunderstandings.
DVE OBVESTILI za dijake, ki greste v Grčijo!!!
Prosim, če izpolnite podatke na spodnji povezavi, da bodo Grki izdali "Magic booklet" o vseh udeležencih srečanja v Grčiji. Prosim, če to storite še ta teden oz. čimprej.
Sestanek za starše in dijake glede srečanja v Grčiji bo v torek, 17. 2. 2015, ob 18.00 v učilnici 003. Vabilo v pisni obliki dobite v tem tednu.
Going to the Netherlands and the cups song
Group 2 and Group 3 are going to the Netherlands. The visit lasts from 26 Nov until 3 Dec 2013. We are going to Tilburg and Amsterdam.
The coordinator from Spain suggested doing the cups song together (when we are in Tilburg), so here are the links where you can see Irish students performing and the second one shows you how to do it.
Have fun!
On-line questionnaire
Vsi dijaki, ki sodelujete v Comenius projektu Magic, izpolnite
spletni vprašalnik, ki ga najdete na spodnji povezavi. Ob koncu ga
seveda oddajte, tako da izberete Submit ali Oddaj.
Prosim, če to lahko storite do 25.10. 2013.
Hi, we are the magic student group from Norway, we think your blog is intresting and nice. Best regards from Norway =)